Friday, July 31, 2009

Bands You Need to Know About

So I said at the beginning that this blog was going to focus on music too. Here are some bands that have flown under the radar that really deserve some attention.

Set Your Goals--I can't say enough good things about these guys. Pop-Punk how it's supposed to be done (The Maine and stuff like that is not Pop-Punk but that's the subject of a future rant). The music is catchy as Hell, the lyrics have actual meaning. Their new album is already in my top 5 for the year and it's been out for just over a week.

The guest vocalist in the video is Vinnie Caruana, formerly of the Movielife and currently in I Am the Avalanche.

The Gaslight Anthem--I know a lot of people have been singing this band's praises recently, but they are completely deserved. They've put out 2 amazing full length albums so far. Raised in New Jersey, this is working class rock. They frequently draw comparisons to Bruce Springsteen, but those are more for the ideals and lyrical content. Still, this band has quickly become one of my favorite bands ever.

P.O.S.--Yeah, it's rap. Who would have expected that from me. Never Better is my album of the year so far (At least until the new Thrice comes out, but there is no shame in coming in 2nd to them, especially from me). This album has everything that mainstream rap does not. Socially conscious lyrics, great backing tracks, and no fucking autotune. If there was any justice in the world, he would be bigger than Lil' Wayne.

P.O.S. gets two videos because he's that damn good.

There are plenty of other bands out there that don't get the attention or respect that they deserve. If you want to get one of them out there, leave it in the comments.

First Post

So let me first say that I never thought I would EVER start blogging. But, I need a place to share my thoughts and probably more often than not rant on various subjects. I don't intend to make this blog very personal. Mostly, I imagine that I'm going to discuss my various sports teams and music artists. What they're doing right, What they're doing wrong, What they need to change, What they should be congratulated for, stuff like that.

For the record, if you don't know I am a die hard fan of the New York Yankees, Pittsburgh Penguins, and San Francisco 49ers. I know, it's quite a random collection. Concerning my musical tastes, I consider them fairly broad. I guess the best way to describe them is that I don't care for country, modern mainstream rap and hip-hop (with some exceptions), and classical. Basically anything else is fair game.

I guess I should fill you all in with a little bit of personal info about me too. In case you were curious. My name is Steve. Everyone calls me Lenard. You should too. I'm 20 years old, live around Erie, PA, and go to college at Allegheny, were I'm going to be a junior this fall. I'm a History major with minors in Religious Studies and Political Science. I've also been known to enjoy a beer or two on occasion.

All right, with that, I need to get back to watching developments that occur during the MLB Trade Deadline. I'll probably be back later with my thoughts on that.

EDIT: I swear I'm going to change the title of this guy. I just can't think of anything creative at the moment.